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Prevention is key to a longer lasting smile – and more money in your pocket!
Categories: Dental Health
Prevention is key to a longer lasting smile – and more money in your pocket! In dentistry as well as in medicine, to prevent is better than to cure. To maintain a good oral health, it is recommended to: brush twice a day, floss, use inter-dental brushes and rinse using a fluoride mouthwash. A poor. Continue reading >>
10 Tips to avoid getting tooth decay
Categories: Dental Health
Avoid eating sweets too often. When eating sweets, eat them all at one time rather than spread out across the day. Avoid drinking fizzy drinks. If you do, drink through a straw. Brush your teeth twice a day, with a fluoride toothpaste. Floss or use inter-dental brushes at least once a day before brushing to. Continue reading >>
It’s the festive season! but not so much for your teeth…
Categories: Dental Health
It’s that time of year again when people start to hang up their christmas trees and sing along to christmas songs on the radio. Christmas time is not only about gifts and celebration, but food is also a big part of the festivities. As British people, we all look forward to a big juicy roasted turkey and wine for. Continue reading >>
Nearly Half Admit Skipping Brushing Teeth At Bedtime, UK
Categories: Dental Health
Women are the most likely to break one of the three golden rules for clean and healthy teeth, with nearly six out of ten (59 per cent) regularly skipping brushing their teeth at bedtime, compared to just over a third of men (35 per cent). In contrast, relatively few people skip brushing their teeth in. Continue reading >>
Young smokers and drinkers risking oral health
Categories: Dental Health
The Chief executive of the Foundation, Dr Nigel Carter, warns that smokers are at a higher risk of developing gum disease, the most common cause of tooth loss in adults. Smoking and alcohol are also the two predominant causes of mouth cancer, and, when combined, increase the risk of getting the disease by up to. Continue reading >>
Hidden costs of treatment abroad highlighted
Categories: Dental Health
A leading Dentist warns that the 'true' cost of certain dental treatments abroad can be more expensive than the UK. Continue reading >>
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