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Is Teeth Whitening Safe For Me?

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Is Teeth Whitening Safe For Me?
Categories: Dental Procedures
When carried out professionally, teeth whitening can help to boost your smile and give you long lasting results. Unfortunately, there are many over the counter and illegal whitening products that are easily available, which can cause pain and problems. How does teeth whitening work? The most common method of professional teeth whitening is by having. Continue reading >>
Should I Replace My Amalgam Fillings?
Categories: Dental Procedures
If you have been considering upgrading your amalgam fillings to tooth-coloured composite restorations, this blog can help you decide what to do! Visit www.smilecliniq.com for more information or to book a consultation! What is Amalgam? Dental amalgam is a liquid mercury and metal alloy mixture. It has been used for over 150 years in dentistry. Continue reading >>
Will Invisalign Work For Me?
Categories: Dental Procedures
Invisalign is a hugely popular way to straighten your teeth without needing the traditional ‘train-track’ style of brace. Some cases can see beautiful results in under 3 months! So, how do you know if it’s suitable for you? Visit www.smilecliniq.com for more information or to book a consultation! What is Invisalign? Invisalign is the largest. Continue reading >>
Revolutionary Bioclear Black Triangle Treatment
Categories: Dental Procedures
Smile Cliniq is proud to announce that we now provide the revolutionary treatment for black triangles using a unique technique to mould and shape a composite material to close the black triangles. First let’s start with what are black triangles… Black Triangles are spaces that are present between the teeth and the gum line. Unfortunately,. Continue reading >>
Endodontist Blog
Categories: Dental Procedures
An endodontist is a specialist that deals with problems with the pulp of the tooth.  Generally they have completed a dental degree (5-years) and then completed further specialist training (3-5 years) on root canal treatments. Treatment of an infected pulp usually requires a root canal treatment. A root canal treatment is when the pulp, containing. Continue reading >>
Categories: Dental Procedures
As a person’s smile is regarded as one of their most attractive features, more and more people are now taking better care of their teeth. However, not all of us are lucky enough to be born with perfectly straight teeth. If someone wanted to improve their smile by straightening their teeth, one option will be. Continue reading >>
Dental Sedation Blog
Categories: Dental Procedures
Are you a nervous patient? Do you hate the noises, smells and tastes associated with dental treatment? Are you unable to block it all out? Why not try dental sedation? Dental Sedation is a way in which a patient can undergo their treatment without feeling frightened. It is a popular request amongst patients with dental. Continue reading >>
Does Dental Implant Surgery Cost Less in Eastern Europe?
Categories: Dental Procedures
Are Dental Implants Abroad cheaper? Continue reading >>
Inman Aligner Blog
Categories: Dental Procedures
The Inman Aligner is a cost-effective removable orthodontic appliance that moves teeth in a fraction of the time of other systems. It aligns crowded or protruding anterior teeth with two opposing spring loaded aligner bars. This provides gentle but continuous pressure over a large range of movement. Surprisingly, this gentle pressure is the quickest way. Continue reading >>
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