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Dental Sedation Blog

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Dental Sedation Blog
Categories: Dental Procedures

Are you a nervous patient? Do you hate the noises, smells and tastes associated with dental treatment? Are you unable to block it all out? Why not try dental sedation?

Dental Sedation is a way in which a patient can undergo their treatment without feeling frightened. It is a popular request amongst patients with dental phobia, and will be suited for those that

  • Don’t want to be aware of what’s happening during the procedure
  • Would like some help to relax during treatments

During dental sedation, an Anaesthetist will carry out the sedation. Ranjana Khiroya is our anaesthetist with 36 years of experience, as well as Dr Kotecha who some of you may know already. The anaesthetist will ensure that the patient is feeling relaxed and happy while monitoring the blood pressure, oxygen saturation in the blood, and the pulse. The dental treatment is carried out by the dentist who would have previously talked to the patient in the consultation and examination, with the aneasthetist and nurse keeping a close eye on the patient during sedation.

Once the treatment is finished, the patient is left to relax and is taken home by a friend or relative.

The most common way to describe the feeling during sedation is like being merry on alcohol but without the hangover afterwards.  Patients need an escort to take them home and are advised not to work/drive or operate machinery for the rest of the day. May I suggest you also do not sign any paperwork – especially those who’ve had very unhappy wives for the past few weeks!

Our experiences with providing patients with dental sedation have proven very effective, and always receive positive feedback that the experience was great.

If you have dental phobia, and would like to know more about having sedation at Smile Cliniq Dental Practice, please contact us via telephone on 0208 343 1133 or by email to info@smilecliniq.com

Article by: Dr Chetan Kaher

Dr. Chetan Kaher stands as a distinguished dentist, boasting a rich tapestry of accomplishments. A graduate of Guy’s King’s and St Thomas’s School of Medicine and Dentistry, he proudly holds a 1st Class BSc (Hons) in Oncology and Immunology. His expertise lies in cosmetic and restorative dentistry, augmented by advanced training, notably a Post Graduate Certificate in Dental Implantology and Restorative Dental Practice. Recognised as the Best Young UK and London Dentist in 2009, Dr. Kaher is lauded for his prowess in oral surgery, intricate restorative cases, and groundbreaking research in dental therapies. He actively contributes to esteemed dental organisations, cementing his authority and trustworthiness in the field.

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